Jade Lee Blogs

Thoughts and Stuff from Jade Lee, author of Exotic Fiction

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


If you missed the Romantic Times Convention, you can listen to a small piece of it! Blog Talk Radio from All About Romance E-books (ARe) did interviews in the hallway all conference. My interview will air on Blog Talk Radio on Monday night, June 22, 9:30p ET. After that, it will be available in the archives as a podcast. Click here to check it out! So you know, the interview is done in sequence, and I’m the last one. The order is: Deirdre Knight, Cassie Ryan, and then me. (Saving the best for last?) It’s an honor being classed with these ladies, so tune in!

Oh…and here’s a picture of me doing the interview. I think I look like a girl who’s just sucked on a really big lemon! And notice the big cup of coffee in my hand? Yeah, I spend the ENTIRE conference like that. (not the lemon part, the coffee part!)


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