Jade Lee Blogs

Thoughts and Stuff from Jade Lee, author of Exotic Fiction

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chatting about Cats on the Blaze Blog

Come see how adorable my cats are over at the Blaze Blog!

AND you might win a copy of Taking Care of Business by my hip, contemporary alter ego, Kathy Lyons.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

The Core of Romance--with Puppets!

Here’s a you tube video of me at MORWA talking on the Core of Romance. What makes a romance? At its core, what elements have to be in a romance? And yes, I use puppets!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Wicked Surrender isn’t all that unusual. It’s regency-era England and it’s really hawt! But it’s up as a prize today at Unusual Historicals. So wander on over and try to win it!