Jade Lee Blogs

Thoughts and Stuff from Jade Lee, author of Exotic Fiction

Friday, July 18, 2008


I was asked to blog about Published Author Contests on Title Magic. Check out my SCHZOPHRENIC post!


I am of two minds on this blog. I was asked for my opinions about the published author contest circuit for romance authors. On the one hand, contests are a business choice. They cost money and time, and can be ego crushing, but also can have excellent results. Therefore, SERIOUS BUSINESS. On the other hand, they're just one tiny, infinitesimal, rather bizarre piece of the larger career plan. Ergo, SELF-FLAGELLATION could be more fun. So...do I blog serious or reality-check? Being more schizophrenic than usual, I have decided to do both--side by side.

Read the blog...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

More Signings...

I was at a basketball tournament this past weekend and signed store copies at 2 bookstores! They are as follows:

July 12, 2008 – Signed copies in Springfield, IL:
  • Barnes and Noble, 3111 South Veteran’s Pkwy, Springfield, IL 62704
  • Borders Express, White Oaks Mall, Springfield, IL

I have also kept signed copies up in Champaign, IL especially:
  • Borders, 802 W. Town Center Blvd, Champaign, IL 61802
Don't forget to pick up a signed copy for your own collection or they make handy gifts!

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